The motor industry is no exception. Auto-dealers carry
out inter-business deals all the time. It is part and
parcel of the business. If you're a dealer with a client
requesting a car that you currently don't have in stock,
the opportunity to be able to source it from another
dealer is more than necessary. With DealerInfo, we
have made that opportunity as easy and efficient as
DealerInfo is a platform upon which dealers can communicate
effectively through the use of emails and SMS's to
trade with one another in an easy-to-use and convenient
way. Whether you are looking to purchase or sell stock,
this system is a must.
Some of the great features of DealerInfo include:
- The ability to REQUEST A CAR (that currently may
not be available on the system). As soon as your
requested car becomes available, you will be immediately
notified through email and SMS.
- The ability to OFFER A CAR. You can offer a car
to dealers of your choice through email. Your cars
will also be uploaded on our website which dealers
can browse.
- The ability to browse SEARCH for cars offered and
cars wanted.
- The ability to browse cars on offer and adverts
for cars wanted.
As we are a locally aspirated company, we have the
ability to structure our system and services to YOUR
needs. Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestions,
comments or criticisms and we will do our best to make
changes to assist YOU deal better.
DealerInfo Customer Service